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  • Type Renovation / Addition
  • Services Architecture, Interiors
  • Size 85,000 SF
  • Budget $12 Million

The Challenge

A product of grade realignment from the Bangor Area School District facilities assessment, Five Points Elementary was renovated as a K-2 school. With similar needs across younger elementary students, this realignment simplifies school scheduling, behavioral and special needs accommodations, and cuts costs. The school was originally built in the 1960s with an addition built in the 1990s. The open floor plan concept had operable partitions that divided classrooms. Due to the nature of the site, the building is broken up into wings that are connected by ramps. Original plaster walls and other finishes created a disjointed learning environment.

Our Approach

With the new grade alignment in mind, Alloy5’s goal was to create a cohesive and energetic building for the new younger students at Five Points Elementary School. Prioritizing infrastructure upgrades were essential for the district. In order to keep students in the building during construction, phasing was key for continued progress.

Design Solution

While using the existing color scheme of the school, Alloy5 incorporated color as a wayfinding device to address the disconnected existing floor plan. A kindergartener may not be able to read a sign that says “Gymnasium,” but they do know they play dodgeball during gym class in the yellow wing. This creates a safer and better-functioning school. Replacing the operable partitions and creating individual classrooms with restrooms for younger students, as well as other updates such as ADA code compliance and removal of asbestos tile were included in the renovation for a cleaner, healthier learning environment.